Shortly after the first trailer for Blade Runner 2049, we were graced with news of another Sir Ridley Scott project, one that horror fans everywhere have been anxiously awaiting: Alien: Covenant. Based on the trailer, it seems safe to say that fans of the series will be pleased.
When Neill Blomkamp (director of District 9) released his concept art for a new Alien movie, fans were immediately impressed, and his Instagram posts alone may have gotten him the job helming the newest addition to the Alien franchise. While it looked like things were going well for the project, Ridley Scott’s sequel to Prometheus was already in the works, and Fox decided to put Blomkamp’s project on hold in order for Scott’s to release first.
Scott, one of the most fascinating directors of our time, directed Alien in 1979. It became one of the most famous horror movies ever made, terrifying audiences around the world for almost forty years thanks to plentiful sequels and the incredible Xenomorph created by artist H.R. Giger. The sequels to his film were directed by James Cameron, David Fincher (an experience he hated) and Jean-Pierre Jeunet (it’s hard to even include the subpar Alien vs. Predator movies as part of the franchise – and we won’t), so when Scott announced Prometheus (the unofficial prequel to Alien) fanboys totally lost their shit.
Needless to say, Prometheus was an absolute disaster to purists, and while it looked good, it was plagued with plot holes and terrible writing. People wondered if Scott had lost his magic touch, and it certainly wasn’t Exodus: Gods and Kings (a famous case of whitewashing) that would prove the opposite. His next picture, The Martian, was a solid flick but walked too thin a line between drama and comedy, never managing to truly convey the urgency of the astronaut’s situation.
When Scott decided to once again take the reigns of the Alien franchise he originally created, the news was received with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. However, when the Alien: Covenant trailer finally dropped on Christmas day, it totally knocked our socks off.
The film seems to go back to the basics, channelling what we all loved about the original movie. It looks beautiful, but most importantly, it looks downright fucking scary. The spin on the chesburster scene particularly stands out in all its gory glory.
Scott has a great cast following him on his new journey to hell. Michael Fassbender plays an android named Walker, much like Prometheus’ David. Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup (who will surely die judging by the trailer), James Franco (how many projects is he actually working on?!) and our man Danny McBride also star.
We may have impossibly high hopes for Alien: Covenant, but it looks like Scott may actually deliver. We’ll be first in line on May 19 to check it out, and we urge you to do the same.
Remember, this isn’t space, so everyone will hear you scream.
Watch the trailer here.