When David Umeh arrived in D.C. from Oakland, things got juicy. That’s because Umeh brought along with him the idea for HighSpeed Delivery—a delivery service for juice, which would allow customers the option to give a donation along with their purchase. When the delivery arrives, they’d get a bottle of juice, and depending out how much of a donation you gave, customer would also get some weed as a token of their appreciation. This is similar to another famous D.C. service, Kush Gods.

Well, HighSpeed is relying on the passage of Washington D.C.’s Initiative 71, which says that it is legal to transfer up to two ounces of marijuana, as long as no money, goods or services are exchanged. HighSpeed’s customers simply receive cannabis as a gift in Umeh’s eyes. Juices like HighSpeed’s Jalapeno Lemonade will run from about $11 to $150, depending on how much “love” you give (“love” is HighSpeed’s nickname for a making a donation). Aside from juice, customers can choose between a number of items on their website, such as “Cheap Sunglasses,” Grand Theft Auto art, music, and apparel.

HighSpeed recently opened up for business in Boston, and as Umeh told MERRY JANE News, the sky’s the limit. Check out our conversation with the canna-preneur, where we discuss legalization and how he feels HighSpeed is so much more than what people may think of it.