While many reports over the years have suggested men are the primary users of cannabis, a new poll from the Cannabis Consumers Coalition indicates that the times are a-changing.

Over the last few years, as many states have opened their gates to the marijuana industry, a slew of female-centric companies have marketed to women, like the Suicide Girls and Whoopi & Maya, and it seems the fruits of their labor are paying off. In the survey, the CCC reports that women are dominating men when it comes to weed consumption: less than half of men and more than half of women are smoking up, according to the questionnaire.

While surveys conducted by different organizations from past years differ from this 2017 report, the CCC’s survey includes people from all 50 states (which many others do not).

Larisa Boliver, the report’s author, said that though there have been various conclusions between the surveys, her findings that show there has been a rise in female pot-smokers is significant. “The most profound finding in our report was that the majority of respondents were women by over a 15 percent margin,” she says.