Weed is growing. As people’s perceptions of cannabis change and more states and countries legalize the plant for medical and recreational use, its impact upon society is increasing immeasurably. The legal cannabis industry is already a booming, multi-billion-dollar one, and that’s just scratching the surface of what it could be in coming years. Important research is finally being done and revealing medical uses for the plant that we hadn’t even imagined in the dark days before decriminalization.
In these early days of the weed revolution, we’ve already got THC-infused lube, CBD for Pets, and marijuana dating apps. What’s to come? How might automation affect cannabis? What will greater tolerance mean for weed in public spaces? How will arrest and incarceration rates change? What levels of potency will growers and scientists achieve? How will this all affect the mental and physical health and well-being of society generally? Watch the Merry Jane News video with correspondent Brooke Burgstahler to hear her predictions and glimpse into the future of weed!