Damn, sometimes you can’t help but love the New York Post. Despite its daily barrage of sensational journalism, which usually inspires a strong sense of content nausea, few papers make us laugh as regularly when it comes to WTF local news. 

Today, the Post dropped this charmingly batshit video, titled “Morons Pretending to Be Harry Potter Shoot Fireworks at Each Other,” which is exactly like it sounds. 

Watch the video here: 

Set to some Hogwarts-friendly music (you know the tintinnabulation we’re talking about…), the clip is 45 glorious seconds of two kids blasting firecrackers at each other in a parking lot, filmed by some onlookers on a balcony. It’s unclear if the DIY magicians are shouting spells at each other, but we’d like to imagine they dropped a couple “Alohomoras” or “Avada Kedavras.”

This isn’t the first known instance of some pyro Potter role-play. In 2016, the Daily Mail posted a video of some (presumably) British youths engaging in the same idiotic-yet-genius LARP’ing. 

While this has little to do with cannabis, we could certainly imagine ourselves getting stoned and copying these kids with our stash of leftover bottle rockets. But that’s a terrible idea, so we’ll live vicariously through these videos instead. You should do the same. Enjoy!