A grandfather in the UK mistakenly gifted a weed-laced cake to his local hospital staff.
According to Cheshire Police, the man got the cake as a leftover from his grandson’s 18th birthday party. He delivered it to the nurses at Warrington Hospital on May 27 as a thank-you present for treating a relative, utterly oblivious to the fact that it contained copious amounts of THC.
After that, the details of the story get hazy. Initial reports claimed that three or four of the nurses ate the cake and were left “off their faces,” otherwise known as being stoned AF.
But a statement released by the hospital’s Chief Nurse, Kimberley Salmon-Jamieson – recently published on the hospital’s website after an internal investigation – claimed differently. According to her, the cake’s “strange odor” caused staff to become suspicious of the baked good, and only one nurse “ate a small piece of cake” and “did not suffer any ill effects.” Whether “ill” referred to getting sick or getting lit was not clear.
Police and hospital staff confirmed that patient care was not compromised by the bud-laden birthday cake. The nurse who got a nibble was relieved of their duties for 72 hours, just in case.
“We are concerned about the irresponsible reporting of this incident in The Sun today and advise all patients, staff and members of the public to take their version with the proverbial ‘pinch of salt,’” read Salmon-Jamieson’s statement. “We will be pursuing a retraction and formal apology for the distress caused to our staff, patients, and their families.”
Cheshire Police said that they would not pursue any legal actions against the grandfather or his grandson. “‘It was genuinely an error by all parties, even the person who put something in that he shouldn’t have because he didn’t know it was going to the hospital,” a police source told Metro. “Nobody knew that, and that’s why we’re not taking it any further.”
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The UK has limited medical marijuana laws, but recreational marijuana remains a Class B drug, a category reserved for other illicit drugs like meth. British cops, however, have lately taken a more laid-back approach to weed enforcement as the country slowly eases up on its prohibitive laws.
Getting weed-infused edibles mixed up with their sober versions has caused unintentional dosing issues in areas where weed is legal. In cannabis-reformed US states such as Colorado, all edibles must be stamped with the letters T-H-C before they can hit the shelves.
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