The fight for a comprehensive medical marijuana program has been raging in Florida for years now, but the latest cannabis hullabaloo in the Sunshine State is a little less significant than securing access for patients who need medicine. This time things are a little more, well, Floridian.
According to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, residents in the beachside town of Daytona are pissed off after county officials removed the only bathroom, a stand-alone porta-potty, from a 2-mile stretch of the local beach – and it’s all over some very stinky stoners.
After the porta-potty was removed, local beach-goer and County Chair Ed Kelley sent an email to county officials inquiring about the disappearing toilet, and got this response.
“As you may be aware, the adjoining condo/hotel is currently undergoing renovations immediately adjacent to the Minerva Beach Approach,” Jessica Winterwerp, the county’s Coastal Divisions director, replied. “The contractors associated with the renovations have been trashing the port-o-let and have been caught performing illegal activities inside the port-o-let.”
Upon further inquiry, Winterwerp admitted that the “illegal activities” performed by the construction workers was smoking weed. Understandably, Kelley was not impressed with the county’s reasoning.
“It doesn’t make sense; if they have a porta-potty there for the beach then why would they take it because one person was smoking weed,” Kelley said. “If someone smokes weed in a permanent toilet, are they just going to tear it down?”
For now, beachcombers will need to walk 2 miles up the beach to relieve their bladders, or just take a dip in the Atlantic. As for where residents and construction workers will smoke their weed? We’re guessing they’ll do that in the open, too.