Lead photo via Flickr user Carl Malamud
If you’ve ever been to a big box retailer in California’s Humboldt or Trinity counties around cannabis harvest season, you’ve probably seen an increase in Costco or Sam’s Club stock of giant plastic storage tubs. With millions of pounds of weed ready to be trimmed, dried, and stored, large plastic storage totes have long been a container of choice for NorCal growers. But as California cultivators stock up for the season, one Florida couple found out firsthand just how much weed those ubiquitous bins can hold, when the empty storage totes they ordered on Amazon were delivered pre-packed with 65 pounds of pot.
According to local Florida ABC affiliate WFTV, the Amazon customers — who have chosen to remain anonymous after the unexpected ordeal — ordered four empty 27 gallon plastic tote bins for clothing storage from the online retailer, like they had done with countless products before. But the Orlanda-based couple were surprised, shocked, and terrified to find their delivered package weighed upwards of 90 pounds and contained two bales of entirely unwanted reefer.
Can you imagine?
Amazon customers in Orlando got unexpected marijuana delivery 📦-65-pounds! #WFTV at 6pm pic.twitter.com/yYywuKYpnU— Jeff Deal (@JDealWFTV) October 20, 2017
"They were extremely heavy, heavier than you would think from ordering four empty bins,” the anonymous Amazon customers told WFTV.
And while we’ve already instructed Alexa to order us three dozen 27 gallon storage tubs, apparently the prospect of $100,000 worth of weed showing up on your doorstep doesn’t excite some people like it does us. After calling the local police and taking precautions to protect themselves from a presumably pissed off sender, the customers took their complaints to Amazon, where they found some less-than-satisfactory customer service from the e-commerce kingpin.
After more than a month of emails with customer care associates, the couple says they were never able to speak with an Amazon supervisor, with a final response including a $150 gift card and an associate’s concession, "I am unable to do anything else at this time."
The package was shipped from an Amazon Warehouse Deals facility in Massachusetts, and the Seattle-based e-retailer released a statement saying that they intend to help law enforcement in any way possible. The couple received a similar response from the Orlando Police Department, who are investigating the special delivery but have not yet made any arrests.
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