Researchers from Tel Aviv University released a study that could change the way we treat bone fractures. According to the study, which was published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, CBD was found to expedite the healing process and strengthen bones. It seems that cannabis may become the preferred alternative to a cast – and we're all for it.
“After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future. Other studies have also shown CBD to be a safe agent, which leads us to believe we should continue this line of study in clinical trials to assess its usefulness in improving human fracture healing,” said Dr. Yankel Gabet. CBD innately attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in our body, which led the doctors at Tel Aviv University to discover CBD’s impact on bone growth.
What makes CBD a viable option for daily treatment is the compound’s non-psychoactive effects. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, there are 8.9 million osteoporosis-induced fractures around the world annually for which CBD could offer an immediate and lasting treatment. The compound is already used to treat disorders such as epilepsy and Multiple Sclerosis, but this study’s astounding results show the extent of CBD’s healing properties is still largely unknown.