Sometimes, skateboarding gets too stuck in nostalgia. While it’s important to preserve and celebrate the cultural heritage (and the inevitable moans and groans that “it was better back in the day,”), it is also important to progress as a culture. Rather than actively resisting any and every change, practicing open mindedness while also looking back to the past often yields the best results. In short, there needs to be a balance.
The new edit introducing the Sports Class team, Geoff Campbell’s “Partners In Crime,” strikes that balance rather perfectly. Set to Smif-N-Wessun’s gritty track “P.N.C” , Tom Snape, Simon Frazzetto, Pete Solvyns and Toby Locke shred mercilessly in 90s’ wear, their wardrobe even including baggy sweatpants that Josh Kalis himself would be proud of.
Despite the retro golden era (depending on who you ask…) stylings and soundtrack, the skating is modern and in line with the technical standards of skateboarding today. In fact, one could argue the skating is even better. The dudes have lines for days, and the last two tricks are absolutely bonkers. The full cab to backside noseblunt could even make Wu-Welsh blush.
Watch “Partners In Crime” here and next time you go bust a switch tre, do it in “Timb boots and army certified suits.”
SPORTS CLASS – PARTNERS IN CRIME from The Skateboarder's Journal on Vimeo.