While numerous Americans have joined forces to protest against Donald Trump’s presidential victory, a major demonstration recently just took place in England in the most punk way possible.
This past weekend, the son of punk icon Malcolm McLaren (Sex Pistols, New York Dolls) and fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, hosted the Burn Punk London event. The punk descendent, Joe Corré, gathered with other no-nonsense punk lovers to burn his valuable collection of inherited punk memorabilia. The protest was started to combat the ongoing Punk London exhibition, which is being sponsored by British institutions such as the BFI, the British Library, and the Museum of London.
The proceedings began when Corré set his extremely valuable copy of the legendary Sex Pistols’ album “Anarchy in the UK” on fire, just a couple of days before the album’s 40th anniversary. After setting the classic record ablaze, Corré continued his demonstration on November 26 by burning a pair of his childhood bondage trousers, various live punk recordings, and a pair of Johnny Rotten’s pants. All in all, the damaged memorabilia was estimated to cost approximately £5 million (over $6 million USD).
Back in March of 2016, Corré made his feelings about the “Punk London” exhibition quite clear. “The Queen giving 2016, the Year of Punk, her official blessing is the most frightening thing I’ve ever heard,” he said. “Talk about alternative and punk culture being appropriated by the mainstream. Rather than a movement for change, punk has become like a fucking museum piece or a tribute act.”
There was video footage of the prized punk possessions being set ablaze, as well as speeches from Corré and his mother Vivienne Westwood, who also discussed the ongoing migrant crisis and climate change. You can watch the footage below: