Seth Rogen is here to help clear your criminal record. 

This week, September 21st through September 28th, is the second annual National Expungement Week (NEW). And according to Marijuna Moment, Rogen has joined the cause to try and help millions of Americans shed their police records and cannabis convictions. In a recent public service announcement raising awareness for NEW programs, Rogen noted that 77 million Americans currently live with criminal records and experience the long-term effects of those charges, while also stressing a nationwide need for reconciliation.

“There’s just millions and millions of people in America who can’t vote, who can’t get a job, who can’t do things that many, many people take for granted because they have been arrested for something that isn’t illegal anymore,” Rogen told VICE in an interview about his advocacy efforts. “To us, that is just unacceptable. Weed should never have been illegal in the first place, that’s the premise that we operate under.”

National Expungement Week events are currently taking place in cities across the country, with criminal justice advocates and volunteers gathering to help citiziens clear or seal their past convictions. For more information on where to find an event closest to you, check out the NEW website here.

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