All photos by Sandy Honig

SandyStock™ is a revolutionary new stock photo agency different from anything you've ever seen before. Unlike Getty Images and other agencies that gather their photos from unknown sources or "professionals," SandyStock's™ images are all shot in-house by our founder, Sandy Honig. This streamlines our process in getting you quality images at a ridiculous price.

All of our images are specifically designed to be…. specific. Searching for the perfect visual that says, "Shhh! She Brushing Teeth"? SandyStock™ has got you covered. We have the images you need to perfectly convey whatever the hell you're trying to say with a photo of people you don't know.

And while other stock agencies have recently had some bad press, SandyStock™ is not caught up in a #MeToo scandal yet. Our founder and sole employee Sandy Honig has never once had an accusation laid against her by another employee. That's more than the others can say! Switch to SandyStock™ to believe women.

Whether you need to fill space on a huge empty website, fill pages in a huge empty book, or fill your heart in your huge empty body, SandyStock™ has what you need. Let's meet up here!

Custom stock imagery available upon request. All sales final.

For more information, visit the SandyStock™ website here