If you’ve ever joined a book club and forgotten to actually read the book before showing up for the discussion, you’re definitely not alone. While most book clubs supplement a lack of literary fervor with wine and gossip, a new group in Denver has been founded with the aim of bringing together a love for hardcovers and paperbacks with a love for rolling papers and sticky-icky.

According to Westworld, the Cannabis Literary Society was formed by local marijuana activist and professional Amy Dawn Bourlon-Hilterbran, and kicked off its inaugural meeting this week with a lecture and discussion from the authors of Breaking the Grass Ceiling, a book of essays about women in the cannabis industry.

“So many people don’t read books anymore," Bourlon-Hilterbran said. “Reading is a joy, an experience, and to be able to share that with like-minded people who love the cannabis plant makes it incredibly special.” 

The group will meet every two weeks, alternating between seminars with guest authors and traditional “read and discuss” book club meetings. The literary selections will focus on the world of weed, and books about people under-represented in the cannabis industry. In addition to the stimulating conversation, members of the Literary Society can freely consume cannabis-infused edibles to more thoroughly open up their mind about the texts. 

With all that weed added to the academic enlightenment, this book club comes with a slightly higher entrance fee than a bottle of Yellowtail and a crudité plate. Starting July 1st, memberships to the Society will run $42 a month, or a slightly discounted price of $420 for the entire year. 

If you can’t make it out to Denver to join the cannabis book club, you can still take notes from Bourlon-Hilterbran by putting the “lit” into your own literary club, and rolling up before heading to your next local book club meeting.