Welcome to the world of alternative facts, where administrations will tell you what to believe, and you’ll be left wondering if strange news stories are real or fake.

People have always known not to believe everything you read on the Internet, but these days we are caught up in a whirlwind of lies disguised as truth, seemingly more so than ever before, with some preferring to choose politics over science. The inquisitions and witch hunts can’t be far behind.

For now, though, there are still people standing up before we fall into the abyss. The Women’s March on Washington is proof of this. But the struggle is far from over.

For those living in California, talk of the state not being ready to regulate recreational cannabis by next year’s Jan. 1 deadline is some bullshit. With all this stress, a weedcation might be in order. For those who can’t afford the travel, there’s always a weekend watching Netflix.

Warning: May contain spoilers.